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Protect Your Files in Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive

Just as all the files in your office need backups, so do your cloud files.

Protect your cloud files

Sure, the big companies hosting your files have their own monster backup systems. Those systems are designed to protect their businesses and keep *them* in business. That doesn't mean that your files are invulnerable.

Services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive have features that synchronize files between your computer and their data centers. Synchronization is convenient and appears to provide redundant protection.

Unfortunately, synchronization can go badly wrong. A writer for Wired magazine  found out the hard way. When files are corrupted or crypto-jacked on your computer, the damage can synchronize to your cloud storage and other devices.

You could experience massive corruption spread by file synchronization. If that happens, you'll find out just how challenging it is to rollback your files to the way they were before the incident, if that is even possible. Some services require that you select each file, one by one, to roll it back to a time before the incident. What you want is an option for a universal rollback to good versions of your files.

The threats you face are not always external. *You* could be the culprit that deletes or overwrites important files unintentionally. You might not discover the problems for weeks or months.

The cloud storage services like Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive have varying retention periods, typically 30 days. That is not long enough to recover an irreplaceable file that you've accidentally deleted or overwritten. And it won't protect you from "slow ransomware" that slowly locks up files over a period of many week.

I recommend using a nightly, automatic, independent backup service to protect your irreplaceable files and retain deleted files and version for a year. That system will protect against a wide range of threats. Your backup service can protect all the files you sync to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google drive.

Our service, DoubleBackup from SecureMyFirm, automatically backs up to our data center and to a local, external drive of your choice. We can make sure that all your files in your cloud services and computer drives are protected.

Wells H. Anderson - 888-922-1120 - moc.mrifymeruces@ofni

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