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Blog — risk

Are You Ready for Violent Storms?

hardware risk

Are You Ready for Violent Storms?

This time of year brings the threats of violent thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes to the United States? Are you ready for them? Here are some ....

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Four Ways to Get a Computer Virus

malware risk vulnerabilities

Four Ways to Get a Computer Virus

Here are four of the most common ways you might infect your computer:

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Holiday Weekend Dangers

backup ransomware risk

Holiday Weekend Dangers

Everything you and your team have created after your last, good backup could vanish in a flash. That flash might come from...

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Most Backups Fail

backup risk

Most Backups Fail

A 2021 study by Veeam Software, a major provider of enterprise backups, found that 58% of backups fail.

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Is It Illegal to Pay Ransomware Criminals?

ransomware risk

Is It Illegal to Pay Ransomware Criminals?

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Treasury Department issued an advisory It creates a painful dilemma if you are struck by ransomware.

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