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Six Steps to Avoid Ransomware

Don't be a victim. You can prevent ransomware and other computer virus infections.

In the October issue of Law Technology News, Hanley Chew listed these six preventative steps to defeat ransomware. Chew is of counsel with Fenwick and West where he focuses on privacy and data security litigation. The fact that his legal specialty exists tells me that law firms are facing serious risks with ransomware and viruses.

  1. Back up data and systems regularly.
  2. Constantly update software and operating systems.
  3. Employ up-to-date, multiple antivirus programs.
  4. Train staff to be wary of email links and attachments.
  5. Don't enable macros in downloaded attachments.
  6. Consider application whitelisting: a list of programs allowed to run on a computer. For details, see an article by Lawrence Abrams.

For a deep dive into precautions, see the ransomware publication by US-CERT containing Chew's six steps and more.

Here at SecureMyFirm we offer the protections of #1 and #3 above. SecureMyFirm backups run constantly. Our separate Webroot Security service is always up-to-date and gets along with other antivirus software.

With multiple backup systems and multiple antivirus systems, you are much safer!

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